Eucharist for Life is a family mission I founded in 2007. Here is a recent report from Mary Prillo, a wonderful woman of faith who leads the monthly gatherings in Montreal. Why not begin a mission like this in your community?
At our monthly Eucharist for Life gathering at Loyola High School in Montreal on Feb. 3rd, I announced with great joy the desire of our new archbishop, Mgr. Christian Lépine, to consecrate our city to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is part of his response to the call for the New Evangelization. He said we must first put our city under the care and direction of the Lord. Then he called on our priests to make Eucharistic adoration available in all parts of the city. He said we can’t bring Jesus close to others if we are not close to Him ourselves. He also asked priests to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation more readily available so that people can come and experience the joy of being in right relationship with the Lord. He stated that this is a prerequisite to presenting the Lord to others. The consecration of the city is to take place at the end of the Year of Faith, in November, on the feast of the Christ the King. The children of EFL might be invited to sing a song at the Mass during Communion!
We then gathered in the chapel for praise and worship. I shared from the 1st reading of the day, Jeremiah 1: 4-5 which says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I consecrated you.” We then asked the Lord to change hearts in this city so that everyone might cherish, respect and protect life, especially at its most vulnerable stages. We also prayed that the Lord would mightily bless his priests as they lead us all in greater holiness.
Stephen (14 yrs) then led us in a reflection to prepare for Lent. The children acted out the scene from the Agony in the Garden and then we prayed that mystery of the Rosary together. We prayed for the courage to say as Jesus did, “Father, not my will but yours be done.”
The children had a great time playing with their dads in the cafeteria. One of the mothers shared that her daughter (7 years) had a great idea for an activity: a knitting loom that could be used to make infant hats. Each family could take one home and work on it between gatherings. We could then donate them to Forty Days for Life. Brian, from Forty Days for Life was there and he was very pleased to receive the 1st hat!!
I pray that the Lord mightily bless all who are reading this, and I invite you to join us in praying for the unborn and for priests.
God bless!
Mary Prillo